Trading the markets – 16th August
Hi guys,
Well, I’ve been productive at home.. today I finished off the painting of my flat and yesterday, I got some of the websites out for clients! Phew! My eyes hurt like hell from working on the websites and staring at the markets!
I traded yesterday on my real and training account and done quite well. Trading the FTSE, Dow Jones and Forex markets on my spreadbetting account, I ended up 90 points up. On my training account, I was 20 prices up (on the emini S&P).
Today, I didn’t get much of a chance to trade until the evening session, 6.30pm. I didn’t do anything on my real account but my training account, I ended up 28 prices up.
What really seems to work is understanding where the main support and resistance levels are and everytime they go above and/or below one then you buy/sell until it reaches the next level. If you get the levels correct, it’s amazing how well the markets react to it all. I could have made more money today but I find it very difficult to hold onto the trades when the profits are showing!
Any comments, let me know!