Posts Tagged Trading

Back to the drawing board!

Back to the drawing board!

This wasn't my kinda trading today.. I don't seem to be doing well again all of a sudden... I kept on seeing a top and trying to time it for a ride down. However, I was wrong 3 times. I should have been a bit more careful as the 15 min stochastic was clearly showing a long. Even when we got the cross towards the upside, I went short. I felt like it was back to the drawing board, I wasn't disciplined at all. The market then shot up like a bullet.. I have no idea why but I wish I was lon

February 25, 2008 2 Comments Full Story

The trend is your friend until you reach the U-bend!

The trend is your friend until you reach the U-bend!

I'm sure that how the saying goes. My first trade of the day was a trade against the trend which resulted in a loss of 12 prices... drats, it wasn't a good trade. I seem to like to play the countertrend trades.. not the smartest thing to do. I made 5 trades in total today, I won't go into the specifics as nothing really happened. The big pictures is that the trend is down and you should be looking to short any rally. I did short the rally when the market hit 135250 at 19:30 GMT and it w

February 21, 2008 No Comments Full Story

FOMC – Pants! S&P Emini trading

FOMC - Pants! S&P Emini trading

At 19.00 GMT, the FOMC made it's announcement.. I had no  idea what they announced but the market didn't really do that much. I entered short when the market went below a previous support level at 135000..  unfortunately, it soon bounced back up and I had to nurse a 16 price loss! Ouch! My trade wasn't a bad one, I had traded on break of the channel. Luck wasn't on my side this time.... as I write, the market has broken up above the upper trend channel. If I had bought this, I could have gr

February 20, 2008 No Comments Full Story

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