Posts Tagged Trading

Spreadbetting the Dow Jones – restarting my trading after the Trading Academy

Spreadbetting the Dow Jones - restarting my trading after the Trading Academy

I have been hunting high and low for a suitable trading platform...  I now realise that the CQG trader platform which I was using before was simple but great! At first I thought it was a bit basic for my liking but so long as it worked reasonably well and I guess it's also what you get used to. Thanks to Harry for dropping me a comment about Ninja Trader.. I had a look for it and I found a broker which I can use this with. The software looks like CQG in the way it functions, I'll download th

May 12, 2008 No Comments Full Story

Trading update! Where have i gone?

Hello all, sorry there has been no update for a while. I am trying to get myself set up again with a trading account with Interactive Brokers and to also find a suitable charting platform. The trading academy have closed my account and I had got used to their charts. I want to recreate the same look and feel with another platform so am searching for something. Something which I have used is the Sierra Charts platform. I do have charts on my spreadbetting platform, however, they are rather clu

May 9, 2008 1 Comment Full Story

My Life Update – trading, blogging, money etc

I've been so busy with things that I've not had a real chance to reflect on the happenings around me. Anyway, circumstances have unfolded which have allowed me to take some time out and reflect and look back on what I have achieved (or not achieved) and done. As you know, I started this blog just shy of a year now... boy has it flown. In fact, I've just gone to the first entry in my blog and it was the 17th July when I said hello to the world. Initially the blog was to write about the money m

May 4, 2008 1 Comment Full Story

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