Posts Tagged Trading

Sports trading – my results

Sports trading - my results

I thought I'd try some sports trading the other day using Betfair. In the past, I have managed to triple my starting pot using Betfair but then lost it all when I played with their Betfair Poker application.. keep away from that, it'll eat all your money! Anyway, I thought I would give it a try in the Horse Racing market. The strategy was quite simple, watch the trends in the price and when it looks like it would win, the put on a bet for that horse to win. To minimise risk, where possible,

December 30, 2007 1 Comment Full Story

Some Forex trades and the Forex competition

Some Forex trades and the Forex competition

I was browsing through the internet and found out that Rich at the Forex Project was having a Forex competition.. this looked like some fun so I thought I would join and give it a go. Though I don't usually trade the Forex markets as much as I should, trading is trading and I'm hoping to build some long term links with people with some similar interests. I've not made it in my trading career (yet!) so it's important to find like minded people to share and express ideas.. if you grow together

December 28, 2007 No Comments Full Story

Reflections on Trading and Blogging in 2007…

I hope everyone is well, it's Boxing day in the UK and I've some time since everyone is out right now. I thought I'd take the time to reflect on the blog and trading in 2007 (even though I started the blog around July/Aug time so it hasn't been a complete year). Firstly, for those that have noticed, I have a new logo and banner.. it just makes the blog look a bit more tidy and professional. I have also removed the Poll and replaced it with a Shoutbox (which is essentially a live chat program

December 26, 2007 No Comments Full Story

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