Posts Tagged trading blog
I mentioned that I went on Simon Grinter's Forex seminar not so long ago... well, finally, I got a chance to put on his 'weekly breakout' trade. I put in an order to go long at 211.05 with a 100 pip limit and stop and waited....
I woke up this morning to find that my trade had been triggered and that I was already 20 pips up. By the time I got to work, my trade was about 70 pips up. There was some resistance around 212.00 so I took profit when it eased off (you never know, it may tank from he
June 16, 2008
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I went long GBPUSD at 1.9555 with my usual 50 pip trailing stop. Unfortunately for me, it spiked down, took out my stop and then continued on it's merry way topping 1.9670 at one stage which is over 100 pips away. These things are frustrating but they happen. Oh well, I took a 50 pip loss.
June 11, 2008
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The weekend gone I attended Simon Grinter's Forex seminar. For those who check in on the website you'll find that I've been thinking about attending Simon's seminar for a while. I've been following Simon's work for a long time now when he started trading the Dax and now Forex. He had a blog where he would post his trades and he was always doing very well. His current Forex blog shows results of his trading sessions and there seems to be a lot of profit being made:
June 10, 2008
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