Posts Tagged trading blog
I still haven't updated the charts from last week so I'll need to do that still... however, I was excited about trading since the testing has shown the systems seems to be profitable over the long term. You can never be 100% sure of any trade so long as you win more than you lose.
Anyway, I have decided that it looks more profitable to put in an order for either direction. I am not doing the OCO (One Cancels Other) trade anymore.. I will buy if the market goes above the upper line and sell if
May 24, 2010
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Hi All,
I've just got back from an exhausting business trip on the African continent. I took all my trading road warrior tools with me and traded one day last week. It wasn't the technology that let me down (the Internet was extremely slow however).. it was the fact that my conferences started at the time when I could put in the order and since the Internet was so slow, it took 10 minutes to login and open the charts.
Each day however, I took a snapshot of the market to see how the str
May 23, 2010
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Well, as I mentioned, I spent the whole week from 17th May on a business trip. I had looked at the charts every day and wondered how the system would have worked if I had traded it. Here are the charts!
17th May
I just flew into Africa in the morning. However, a long would have been triggered and 30 pips would have been in the bag
18th May
It wasn’t easy to put on the trade today.. I was in a conference and had to fire up my email and put in the order. I had put in an order to
May 22, 2010
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