Blogging for a living?
Hi All,
I was reading today how there are people whose sole purpose in life is to update their blog! They make enough money from advertising through their blog that that is all they need to do. They have given up their jobs and this has become their job.. it’s amazing how this can make money but when you think of the number of people on the internet, you just a small percentage of them to click through your adverts and off you go.
Anyway, it looks like the top earner through Google Adsense is a guy called Markus Frind who has a dating website.. he makes $300,000 a month.. that’s a month, not a year! That’s completely unbelievable! I’ve just had a look on his website and it’s actually a free website so he doesn’t charge for you to join, instead, he makes his money through advertising! Amazing!
Anyway, I have spent the last 2 whole days transferring the website from the free WordPress hosted one to that of my own domain. It was a learning process and I’m overall very happy with the process. However, the biggest drawback as I’ve mentioned in a previous post is that you are no longer registered in the WordPress directory. Instead, you have to rely on your own to promote the site.
So what I’ve done is to register and submit my site to as many search engines as possible, I’ve done the main ones.. Google and Yahoo. However, on their blurb, they reckon they could take weeks if not months before your site appears!
I’ve also registered with Sphere, MyBlogLog, Technorati, Digg, Feedburner, Squidoo and StumbleUpon.. my fingers are hurting. Do people know where else I can go to get the site registered?
I think it’s going to take a lot of time before I get a lot of traffic. I’ll need to update my blog as much as possible and feed ideas and thoughts through often. That should be ok as I frequently have Eureka moments! 🙂