Alternative to Google Adsense – Bidvertiser – Monetise your blog
Hi All,
Today, I found an alternative (or addition) to Google Adsense.. it’s called Bidvertiser and works the same way as Google Adsense. It’s free to sign up also.
The only difference is that the money can be released to you when you’ve made just $10 which is a lot lower than the $50 Google Adense threshold.
Click on the above button to get to the site and have a look! Good luck!

Hi I’m Sonja,
As you may have guessed, I am mad about bargains.
I am a wife, a mother and I have run my own recruitment business for over twenty years.
I make my living by giving the best value for money so when I spend it I expect to get the same.
I love quality items, five star cruises and generally the good things in life and I have found
that I can afford more of them if I get them at bargain prices.
This Blog is for bargain hunters to share information
so we can all get the best value for our hard-earned money.