Making £40,000 trading in a few hours (no, not me)
I have an associate, some guy I met online who I talk to about trading… he’s an interesting character and one of the best traders that I’ve ever known. I’d like to say he’s a friend as we do share a bit of information about each other besides our interest in trading but I’ve not met him in person which, for me, makes it hard to say that he’s a friend. Still, I want to show you these insane trading results… I’ve told him that I want to understand and learn how he does it so I guess this was his way of showing me. I told him that I would like to systemise it into an algorithm and he’s all for it.. but it’s also intuitive to him… we’ve tried numerous times for him to explain to me what he’s doing and it’s not translated into results for me. But enough of my chatter, check out these results… all done within a few hours…