I visited your web site earlier today and firstly wanted to congratulate you on the appearance, excellent content and accessibility I discovered there. It is not often I come across a web site that offers such a positive user experience and great information too.
At this present moment, I am seeking meaningful links from quality websites just like yours, for a current project on behalf of http://www.shareworld.co.uk. As you’ll see, this is based upon a similar theme to yours and does in my view, offer added value content for web site visitors.
Now as a part of this promotional activity, I would very much like to have a link featured on your website. Should you be agreeable, please use the following details to add the project site to your links page.
Des: The Guide to Investing in Stocks and Shares – investing articles, market comment, market update, investment forum, question and answer service and much more.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate in contacting me by replying to this email. I will then get back to you as soon as possible.
Hi Alan, like your site, just wondering if you use any fx systems, and if you have ever come across the “3 ducks system” its very simple, free to download, from a guy called Andy Perry. just google for info. cheers Mike ,Peterborough.
I am recruiting for a mid-sized hedge fund operating a desk of 14 traders. They are looking to contract an independent (remote) individual to perform corporate analysis reports on a freelance basis at a rate of $150/hour. The desk manager explained that he would rather recruit someone who is already writing about the markets and has a passion for in-depth, fundamental corporate analysis.
I noticed your writing online and wanted to see if you might be interested in the opportunity. If so, send me an email, and I will explain the details more thoroughly. Thank you.
Van Tharp has written a new book published by Wiley Books called “Trading Beyond the Matrix: the Red Pill for Traders and Investors”. Feel free to download the mini-book at http://matrix.vantharp.com we would value your review or blog post. You can also order the book on Amazon.
You have a very informative website!
I was wondering if you might be interested in featuring guest/sponsored posts!
I could provide unique content with 1-2 links.
Please let me know your thoughts.
Looking forward to working with you!
I am the CEO of a company that owns and operates one of the UK’s largest investor shows, “Master Investor”. Our show is now in its 14th year, we have 3000 attendees every year, and we have exciting keynote speakers such as Jim Mellon (117th on the Sunday Times Rich List) and Merryn Somerset Webb (FT commentator).
I am looking for new ways how to promote our show in the next 2.5 months. Tickets are normally GBP 20 each, but we regularly run promotions where we give them away for free to build our audience further. The show has 100 exhibitors and it’s our interest to increase attendee numbers to 5000.
Your website came up in my search for the best blog websites in the UK. We do have a budget for marketing, and we are fairly flexible with regards to promoting the show. Through our different publications, we also have about 100,000 email addresses which we sometimes use for counter-deals.
Would you be interested in discussing further how we might be able to work together?
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Swen Lorenz
CEO, Burnbrae Media
tel. 07515 542 707
Good afternoon,
What is possible in adding a textlink to a quality forex portal on your website? I would like to have
a textlink or I could write a interesting related article with my link(s) in it. A amount of money can
be paid in advance.
Let me know your options please.
Your Sincerly,
Hello Webmaster,
I visited your web site earlier today and firstly wanted to congratulate you on the appearance, excellent content and accessibility I discovered there. It is not often I come across a web site that offers such a positive user experience and great information too.
At this present moment, I am seeking meaningful links from quality websites just like yours, for a current project on behalf of http://www.shareworld.co.uk. As you’ll see, this is based upon a similar theme to yours and does in my view, offer added value content for web site visitors.
Now as a part of this promotional activity, I would very much like to have a link featured on your website. Should you be agreeable, please use the following details to add the project site to your links page.
Title: how to invest in shares
URL: http://www.shareworld.co.uk/
Des: The Guide to Investing in Stocks and Shares – investing articles, market comment, market update, investment forum, question and answer service and much more.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate in contacting me by replying to this email. I will then get back to you as soon as possible.
Thanks and Regards,
Link Manager
Hi Alan, hope this finds you well!
I’m currently working on behalf of a banking sector client to find great financial sites like yours on which to place links to their loans website.
Would you be willing to write a new post (perhaps on a topic like debt consolidation?), include a link and a small ‘sponsored by’ image?
If yes what would your rate be?
Many thanks!
James, send me an email on alan@makemesomemoney.co.uk
Hi Alan, like your site, just wondering if you use any fx systems, and if you have ever come across the “3 ducks system” its very simple, free to download, from a guy called Andy Perry. just google for info. cheers Mike ,Peterborough.
I am recruiting for a mid-sized hedge fund operating a desk of 14 traders. They are looking to contract an independent (remote) individual to perform corporate analysis reports on a freelance basis at a rate of $150/hour. The desk manager explained that he would rather recruit someone who is already writing about the markets and has a passion for in-depth, fundamental corporate analysis.
I noticed your writing online and wanted to see if you might be interested in the opportunity. If so, send me an email, and I will explain the details more thoroughly. Thank you.
Vanessa Miller
Van Tharp has written a new book published by Wiley Books called “Trading Beyond the Matrix: the Red Pill for Traders and Investors”. Feel free to download the mini-book at http://matrix.vantharp.com we would value your review or blog post. You can also order the book on Amazon.
Thank you for your consideration,
Advertising on makemesomemoney
You have a very informative website!
I was wondering if you might be interested in featuring guest/sponsored posts!
I could provide unique content with 1-2 links.
Please let me know your thoughts.
Looking forward to working with you!
I have noticed my post is removed. Please put it back with links and let me know once it is fixed.
I am a huge fan of your site and thought you would be interested in our kickstarter campaign for the new Flip Frame for Vinyl Singles .
It is the most user friendly picture frame design ever invented.
Our kickstarter page has a video and bullet points on why Play & Display for vinyl singles is the perfect way to display your favourite vinyl records.
I am the CEO of a company that owns and operates one of the UK’s largest investor shows, “Master Investor”. Our show is now in its 14th year, we have 3000 attendees every year, and we have exciting keynote speakers such as Jim Mellon (117th on the Sunday Times Rich List) and Merryn Somerset Webb (FT commentator).
I am looking for new ways how to promote our show in the next 2.5 months. Tickets are normally GBP 20 each, but we regularly run promotions where we give them away for free to build our audience further. The show has 100 exhibitors and it’s our interest to increase attendee numbers to 5000.
Your website came up in my search for the best blog websites in the UK. We do have a budget for marketing, and we are fairly flexible with regards to promoting the show. Through our different publications, we also have about 100,000 email addresses which we sometimes use for counter-deals.
Would you be interested in discussing further how we might be able to work together?
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Swen Lorenz
CEO, Burnbrae Media
tel. 07515 542 707